You Need A Bigger Pot
So today was the day we decided to re pot our plant, her name is Marianne and she is a peace lily. We’ve actually owned Marianne for over 20 years, she was purchased during a time of my employment at The Home Depot. Marianne has been with us over the years and she is just around she’s grown big shes had some tough time and We’ve re-potted her in the past in a smaller pot where she has remained for years.
Knowing that it was time to re pot her but she just seems content so We haven’t bothered with her until today it was time.
During this time as we were pulling her out and just looking to see what size pot we were going to need. As I felt down in the soil and felt all of the roots that have grown and became so entangled with each other I pulled her up from her existing pot an epiphany came to me. The epiphany showed me that as this plant is bound to this pot and is desperate need of a bigger pot so that its roots can spread out and grow that is also what we need as human beings. We have goals and desires in our heart. In order for us to grow past where we are we must get into a bigger pot. Where we are currently has been a good journey and a good ride, but to avoid being stagnant stuck and stale it is imperative that we be re potted into a new and bigger pot.
There is so much in nature that teaches us just small lessons in life. As I put my hands in the soil and was looking to upgrade my plant pot It came to me clear as day that I need a bigger pot as well. I need to allow my roots to spread out and grow. My roots need more room. So today I’m decided to get into a bigger pot I’m recommitting to the goals that I have written down. I will work to achieve them. One by one small steps will be taken.
Today I’ve decided to get into a bigger pot so that I can allow my roots to spread and have room for more development and growth.
So I’m saying Loud & Proud:
“I’m getting into a Bigger Pot”